Wright John 1633 of Nether Broughton will and inventory

John Wright of Nether Broughton 1633 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1633/89

In the name of God Amen I John Wright of Nether Broughton in the Countie of Leicester yeoman beinge sicke in bodye but of good and perfect memorie (all praise be given to god therefore) doe ordaine and make this my last will and Testament in writeinge in manner and forme following

And first and principallie I give and commend into the hands of Almightye god my Soule who gave yt me and my bodye I comitt to the earth from whence yt was taken

And whereas I beinge mindful of the maintenance of An my wife and her Children by me begotten as alsoe of the payment of my debtes and such Legacies as in and by this my Last will and Testament are mentioned to be bequeathed have by towe several Deeds in writeinge under my hand & seale bearinge Date the Three and twentieth day of November nowe last past granted all my messuages lands and tenements whatsoever in Broughton aforesaid unto my welbeloved good brother in Lawe Hugh Kerchevall of Orston in the Countye of Nottingham gentleman and my loveinge Brother George Wright of Broughton aforesaid yeoman and theire heires for ever unto and for such uses and purposes and upon such trustes and Confidence as by the same Deeds (relation beinge had thereto at large yt doth and may appeare now therefore to the intent that all ambiguitye and question whatsoever which shall or in anie wise might arise eyther in Law or Conscience towchinge my meaneinge and intention in or by the said several deeds or Towcheinge the validitie and strength of them or eyther of them or of the execution of them in Rigour of Law I doe hereby advisedlye and consideratlie affirme and confirme the purport of the said Several Deeds in all the partes thereof And for further explanation thereof and of my full will and meaning Doe by this my present last will and Testament give and bequeath unto my good and loveinge wyefe Ann Wright for tearme of her Naturall life and for and in lewe and full satisfaction of her Thirds of my Lands and for a Competent Joynture unto her out of all my Lands the Better alsoe to inhable her for the Education of her Children by me begotten All that my messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in Broughton aforesaid nowe in the tenure and occupation of me the said John Wright and all those towe Oxganges of Land as they are nowe devided meadowe pasture and comons to the same belonging lyeing and beinge in the feilds and Territoryes of Broughton aforesaid to the said Messuage or Tenement nowe used and enioyed and alsoe all that close of pasture or meadowe ground called & knowen by the name of Greene gate close and one other close called and knowen by the name of Pen close and all houses edifices and buildings orchards gardens backsides closes feedings meadowes pastures Comons & Comon of pasture woods rents reversions services & hereditaments whatsoever to the said messuage or tenement land & premises belongeinge and apteyneinge and now had used and enjoyed to and with the same scituate lyeinge and beinge in the Town feilds & libertyes of Broughton aforesaid and in every of them & nowe in the tenure & occupation of me the said John Wright and alsoe some Comons and Comon of pasture and feeding in all that ground enclosed close or pasture in Broughton aforesaid called the great grannog close for ten sheepe and fower horses mares or geldings and six kyne heffers or bullockes in the said close & comon of pasture for three score sheepe score hogges and all such wayes easements passages & all other libertyes and privileges to be had taken provided and enioyed in all other the feilds wasts and Comonable places of Nether Broughton aforesaid to be had an enioyed in as larg and ample manner and forme and in the same manner and forme as I the said John Wright nowe take and use the same or in right ought to have take and enioy the same by virtue of a grant unto me heretofore made by Sir Edward Noell Knight and baronet and Dame Julian his wife and one Thomas Phillipes gentleman as in and by the said grant doth and may plaine happen

And I will and bequeath and hereby devise that the said messuage or tenement and all the said premisses shalbe Come and remaine from and immediatlie after the decease of the said Ann unto the heires of the Bodie of me the said John Wright upon the bodie of the said Anne Lawfullie begotten and for want of such issue to the heires of my Bodie lawfullie begotten and for want of such issue to my Right heires for ever

And I doe give and bequeath hereby unto the said Hugh Kerchevall and George Wright and to theire heires for ever All that my newe erected messuage or Cottage and the close wherein the same is buylt in Nether Broughton aforesaid nowe in the Tenure and occupation of one Raph Rowlett my assigne or assignes and all that oxgange of land meadow and pasture comons and Comon of pasture and all houses and buildings and other profitts and Comodityes whatsoever to the said newe erected tenement belonging and apteyneinge and now or latelye used or enioyed to and with the same scituate lyeing and beinge in the Comon feilds and libertyes of Nether Broughton aforesaid and alsoe Comon and Comon of pasture and feeding and all that ground enclosed Close or pasture in Broughton aforesaid called the great Grainge Close for five sheepe towe horses mares or geldings and three kyne heffers or bullocks and the said Close and Comon of pasture for thirtye sheepe swine and hoggs and such wayes easements passages and all other libetyes privileges heretofore had taken perceived and enioyed in all other the wastes and Comonable places of Nether Broughton aforesaid to be had taken and enioyed … large and ample manner and forme and in the same manner and forme as I the said John Wright or my assignes now take and use the same or in right ought to have [corner of page missing] the same by virtue of [small hole] aforesaid to me heretofore made by Sir Edward Noell and baronet and Dame Julian his wife and one Thomas Phillipes gentleman [missing corner] grante yt doth and may planelye appeare To have and to hold the same to them [missing corner] assignes for ever in Speciall confidence and as my Trust is in the that they or the [missing corner] or the heires of such survivor shall and make Sale of the same messuage or premisses to any person or persons willing to buye the same or any part thereof and with and to the best advantage which may bee made of or for the value thereof and to cause all such money as shall or may be raysed out of the price or value thereof to be faythfullie imployed and payed for the sattisfyeinge and [half a line missing in a fold] surplusage shall remaine thereof (my debts being payd) then to be bestowe and imploy all such surplusage for or towards the sattisfyeinge of my legacyes hereby bequeathed and further for the best Behoofe of my said wife and her said children in such wise as unto theire good discreations shall seme most expedient and necessarye for the … occasions of my said wife and her said Children

Alsoe I give unto my Sonne Thomas Ten grautes in full satisfaction of this Childs parte because he is already brought up and otherwise by me preferred which some of ten grautes I will shall be payd to him within one whole yeare next after my departure out of this world

I give alsoe to my Sonne John gen grautes to be payed likewise one whole yeare after my death

I give alsoe to my Sonne William Twentye pounds to be payd to him after my said debtes and funerall charges shalbee payd & discharged

And I alsoe give to my three youngest Sonnes Anthonye Samuell and George Ten pounds apeece to be payed to them when they shall come to the age of one and Twentye yeares

I give alsoe  to my three daughters Elizabeth Anne and Jayne Ten pounds apeece to be payed to them likewise when they shall come to the age of one and Twentye yeares and if the Child live which nowe my wife goeth with my will is that is likewise shall have ten pounds to be payed when it shall come to the age likewise of one and Twentye yeares

And if it shall soe please god that anie of the seaven Children last rehearsed in my will shall dye before they come to the age of one and Twentye yeares then my will is that theire portion be equallie devided amongst the rest that survive

I give further alsoe to my Sonne William One Matteris one boulster one pillowe one Coverled one Blankitt and one hempen payre sheetes to be given & delivered to him … time he shall require them after my deceased

I give to the poore of Nether Broughton aforesaid Ten shillinges to be distributed at the discretions of mine executors and the Supervisors alsoe of this my last will & testament

Alsoe I give to my God Children each of them twelve pence apeece

I give alsoe to my Sonne John his Children each of them one Lambe hogge and I give also to my Sonne Thomas his Sonne a Lambe hogge

And I institute and appoint my wife & my Sonne Richard my executors And I entreat and desire my welbeloved Cozin William Wright and Charles Lowe to be Supervisors of this my Last will and Testament and for theire paynes I give them ten grautes to be equallye devided betwixt them

Debtes oweinge by me John Wright at the making of this my will

Imprimis to Thomas Chamberlaine of … to be payed at Michelmas next comeinge                             xxl

Ite in bond for William Ward to be discharged about middle of Lent                                                       xl

Ite to William … of Brannston to be payd at Michelmas next Comeinge                                                  xl

Ite to Mr Thorne of Broughton                                                                                                                            xl

Ite To Widdowe Bateman of Claxton                                                                                                                 vl

Ite to Richard Thornton of Broughton aforesaid                                                                                            viiil

Ite to William Pollard                                                                                                                                             xl

Ite to Humfrey Wheat of Burton                                                                                                                         xl

Ite to Evered Person of Tugby                                                                                                                             vs

Ite to William Wayte of Knipton                                                                                                                          xiiis

Ite more to the said William Wayte of Knipton                                                                                               i is

… theis debts in Bonds with Consideration for the Same the last thirty & six shillings excepted              

In wittnes whereof and to my above written will I have set to my hand the day & yeare above written

                                                                                                         John Wright his marke

Subscribed in the presence of us

Rafe Rowlat

Thomas Wright his marke

Hugh Kerchevall Junior


Part of the right hand side is missing near to the top of the page

A true Inventary of all the goods and Cattle moveable and unmoveable of John Wright of Nether Broughton in the Countye of Leicester yeoman late deceased taken the Sixtenth day of June by theis men George Wright William Wright and John Watkins in Anno Dom 1633

Imprimis his purse his gerdell and apparrell v 0  
Ite 7 draught horses and mares xxi 0 0
Ite 2 yearelinge Coltes iiii 0 0
Ite 7 kyne xvi    
Ite 2 heifers and 2 steares tow yeares      
Ite 2 yearelinge caulves and … …      
Ite 22 sheepe      
Ite 2 swine with a sowe and pigg      
Ite six hens and a Cocke      
Ite the Crope in the feild of a oxgang of land      
Ite 3 Carriages      
Ite the Cart geares and plow geares for 5 horses with 2 plowes & furniture thereto belonginge      
Ite 2 weane bodyes and 2 harrowes 0 xx 0
Ite 4 hovells with the wood in the yarde v x 0
Ite pease to thresh [sic] in the yard with corne in the howse 0 xx 0
Ite heay aboute the yard 0 xx 0
Ite meaner in the yard 0 xl 0
Ite Cratges in the yard for beasts and the mangers & heckes for horses      
the staules for beasts & some other wood for pales 0 xx  
Ite the plow timber as axeltrees plowheads sceathes with some other      
thinges thereto belonging 0 xx 0
Ite a lead a paire of Quirnes a sceepfatt with other Tubs for brueinge and      
backeinge vessells v 0 0
Ite Corne in the … in the howse 0 l 0
Ite in the Hall a Cupbord the Table with the frame 2 formes a little table      
with a peece of … a … Settle with a nother Settle and fower chayres iii 0 0
Ite the brasse belonginge to the howse vi 0 0
Ite in the parler another Cubborde 0 xx 0
Ite 8 Cheists 0 xl 0
Ite 4 bedsteads 0 xxx 0
Ite 22 peuter dishes 2 brasen chafen dishes with other peuter as      
Candelstickes & sawsers iiii 0 0
Ite the fire irne the Tonnges and fire showvell 3 spitts with other Iron      
belonginge to the howse and yeard 0 xx 0
Ite Bacon with butter and Cheise his … for howse keepeinge iii vi viii
Ite 7 barrells a Cheirne with shelves and plankes with a fryinge pann 0 xx 0
Ite the wooll 0 xx 0
Ite 7 feather pillowes and 2 boulsters 0 xx 0
Ite 3 feather beds 9 feather pillows and one boulster more iiii 0 0
Ite six mattresses 0 xl 0
Ite one fustinge pillowe 0 iiii 0
Ite xi Coverlidds v 0 0
Ite one dussen of cussings 0 xx 0
Ite 5 paire of hempeinge and 4 paire of harden sheetes iii i 0
Ite 2 paire of flaxen sheets with one … and one flaxen bordcloth vi 0 0
Ite six flaxen bord clothes 0 xx 0
Ite 9 flaxen pillowe beares 0 xx 0
Ite 8 flaxen napkins and 4 wrought Towells 0 xx 0
Ite a paire of vallens for a bed 0 v 0
Ite six hempeinge napkins 0 v 0
Ite sixteene yeards of flaxen cloth 0 xx 0
Ite a webb of Hempinge cloth and a paire of hardensheets more 0 xx 0
Ite another webb of hempinge cloth 0 xx 0
Ite 20 yeards of harden clothe 0 xx 0
Ite fore other things not remembered 0 x 0
                                                                         Sum Totalis Clxxxviii iiii viii

George Wright his marke

William Wright his marke

John Watkins his marke