Richard Wright of Nether Broughton 1576 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1576/96
In the name of god Amen 1575 the xxviith daye of Septembre and in the xviiith yere of the Raigne of our Soverainge ladye Eliz by the grace of god of Ingland France and Ireland queen Defender of the faythe I Richarde Wrighte of Netherbrowghtonne in the countie of Leicester husbandman sycke in bodye but whole in mynde and in good & perfecte remembrance prayse be to god therefore doe make this my Laste will and testament in manner and forme following
Fryste [sic] I bequethe my soule unto allmightie god hopynge to be saved onlye by the merytes of the deathe and passyon of our savyor Jesus Christe and my bodye to be buryed within the churche yerde of Netherbrowghtonne
Fyrste I bequethe to Willm Wright my sonne xiid
Itm I geve to Roberte Wrighte my sonne xiid
Itm I geve and bequethe to Thomas Wright my sonne xiid
It to Roberte [sic repeat of Robert] Wrighte my sonne xiid
It I geve to the poore mens boxe iiiid
Itm I geve to Joanne Rawlinsonne my dowghter one bushell of wheate to be delivered of my nexte croppe that encreasethe after my decease
Itm I geve to Math… Baxter my dowghter one bushell of wheate to be delivered at the same tyme
These before sayd portions to be in full contentacion and satisfaction of my childrens partes
Itm I geve to the children of Ricsharde Spycke of Kettelbye one wheate lande to be sett for them at the tyme of the reapynge and equallye to be devyded emongeste theym
Itm I geve to the children of Thomas Wrighte my sonne one lande of wheate to be sett for the at the same tyme of reaping and equallie to be devyded emongest them
Itm I geve to Raphe Wrighte my sonne my waine with the furnyture my plowe and plowe geares and harrowes with all my hovells and lathers and all other things to husbandrye belonginge
Itm I geve to my sonne Raphe Wrighte one payre of quernes and a brewinge leade iii trowghes a brasen morter and a pestell
Itm I geve to my sonne Raphe the tables and forms in the howse with one arke and a coffer in the parlare with one cubbord and all my bedsteds after the decease of Eliz my wyffe
Itm I geve to Richarde Wrighte the sonne of Raphe Wrighte one fole
Alsoe I doe make Richard Spycke and Raphe Wrighte my sonne supervysers of this my laste will and testament to see yt trewlye performed
The reste of my goods unbequethed my detts payd my legacies dyschardged & my funeral expens accompted I geve theym wholye to Eliz my wyffe whom I doe make my trustye executrix of this my laste will and testament
These men are wyttnesses Cuthbert Rabyn [Raven on probate copy] mynister Richard Specke Willm Baxter Raphe Wrighte
Probate Leicester 20 May 1576