Wright Richard 1638 of Long Clawson Inventory

Richard Wright of Long Clawson 1638 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/38/188

A true Inventorye of they goods & chattels of Richard Wright of Claxton als longe Clauson in the Countie of Leceister, Laborer, taken this 19th of September, 1638 By William Guye yeoman, and Richarde Hicklinge the Elder, husbandman, of Claxton aforesaid

In primis his purse and apparell100
Itim 4 Coverletts 2 blanketts0100
Itim 2 mattresses 4 boulsters & 6 pillowes0120
Itim 1 payre of flaxen sheets 3 sheets of hempton & one payre of harden three   
Table Clothes0100
Itm 2 pillowe beares 2 Towells 2 Aprons030
Itim one new peece of flaxen0100
Itim 4 Bedsteads 4 Cofers080
Itim 3 Tubbs, a kneadinge troughe, with boards and plankes068
Itim 2 Barrells 4 Kitts & 4 basketts030
Itim Coales, 1 still, 1 wollen wheele, 1 Reele, 3 sives0100
Itim 1 Hatchett, 1 Bill, 2 wimbles, 2 chise …, 1 hand sawe, 3 hookes026
Itim 1 Sprittle staffe, 1 spade, 2 forkes, 3 rakes and a litle ould Iron018
Itm 2 bagges with woole, 2 ould sackes020
Itim 1 Cubberd, 2 tables, a broken frame, 1 forme, 1 settle0140
Itim pueter and brasse0140
Itim 2 Cheers 3 stoules, 3 Lynnen wheeles and a Leather024
Itim 1 pen & Ticknell ware, & woodden ware & 1 ould Lathorne020
Itim books, paynted Cloathes, a sceele & settin sticke, and a 2 foote rale0100
Itm I Cowe, the Hea, an ould hovell2134
Itm the thacke rake, and other Impleaments about Thackinge008
Itim fire irons, & hookes, and spits, & Cobberds the frying pann, & other   
Impleaments about the fire, and things unseene and forgotten024
The whole sume is9176
Debts that he oweth to Richard Parker1168
Itim to Richard Carter080
Itim to Robert Wright060
The whole Sume is2100

Praysers names

William Guy

Richard Hickling his marke