Richard Wright of Nether Broughton 1677 Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/79/66
An Invitory of all the goods and Chattells of Richard Wrightt of Neither Broughton in the County of Leicester yeoman Late deceassed being valued and prassed according to their several rates by us whose names are under written
£ | s | d | |
Impris his purse and apparall | 1 | 00 | 00 |
Item all the bed Cloothes in the parlour is 2 Coverlets 2 blankets one fether bed | |||
one Mattress 2 boulsters 5 pillowes and the Curtanes | 2 | 13 | 4 |
It foure peere of sheets in the parlour and all other linning | 1 | 5 | 00 |
It one bedsteed in the parlour | 00 | 15 | 00 |
It one Cuboord 4 Coffers in the parlour | 00 | 7 | 00 |
It all the linning Cloth and yarne | 1 | 14 | 00 |
It seaven puter dissches and all the rest of the puter | 00 | 12 | 00 |
It one Cubbord in the house table and frame Chaires stooles fourms and | |||
settles | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It the fire froggs hookes and all other Irons in the Chimney in the house | 00 | 10 | 00 |
It all the brase morter and pestell | 1 | 18 | 00 |
It the … tubs kimnells settles forkes and all other things in the kitchen | 1 | 6 | 6 |
It the bedsteeds and bedcloothes and all other things in the Chamber | 3 | 3 | 00 |
It 3 barrells Milke vessells and all other things in the dary | 00 | 7 | 00 |
It trenchers dishes and all other things in a little roome | 00 | 4 | 6 |
It all moveable in the yeard as manure old wood and all other things | 00 | 12 | 00 |
It five sheepe and one Cow | 4 | 00 | 00 |
It one yeareling Calfe and one reareing Calfe | 1 | 10 | 00 |
It the Crop of Corne and grasse in the feelds | 9 | 00 | 00 |
It the poultrey and all things in the house and yeard seene and not seene is | |||
valued to | 00 | 2 | 00 |
Sum is | 31 | 9 | 4 |
George Browne his marke
Richard Wright
Everard Stevenson
Henry Orson
Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1677
Know all men by these presents That I Anthony Wright of Langar in the County of Nottingham Inholder Doe Revoke and Renounce the Executorship or administracon of the Goods and Chattels Rights and Creditts of my Brother Richard Wright late of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester husband: deceased And doe desire the now present Overseers for the poore of the parish of Nether Broughton may be admitted The Administracon of the said Goods and they to pay debts as far as the goods shall extend the law require
In testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the seaventh day of July Anno dni 1677
The Marke & Seale of Anthony wright
Tho Sanderson
Everard Steaenson [sic]
These doth testify that whereas Richard Wright of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester late deceased and Anthony Wright of Langer in the County of Nottingham being his next heire doth refuse to take The executorship or Administratorship upon him which doth appeare by a Certificate given under his hand and seal (their being seven poundes and tenne shillings besides Interest due to our poore from the said Richard Wright and Robert Stevenson and George Hewood being our present overseers wee the Inhabitants of Broughton doth desire the Cort to grant them Administration of the said goods soe as our poore may have their right and The Rest of the Credittors their preportion soe far as the Goods will Rise as the law doth direct
Richard Wright
Henry Mann Churchwardens
William Browne Constable