Robert Wright of Eaton 1590 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1590/57
In the name of god Amen in the yeare of our Lorde god 1590 Wyttnessethe that I Robte Wrighte of Eaton in the Countie of Leicester Husbandman sicke in bodie, but Perficte in mynde and memorie thanks be god doth ordayne and make this my Laste will and Testamente in maner and Forme Followeinge
Firste I bequeathe my soule to Allmightie god my maker and redemer and my bodie to be buried in the Churche of Eaton
Itm I geve to the Cathederrall Churche of Lincolne vid
Itm I geve to the poore mans Boxe of Eaton vid
Itm I geve to Robte Wrighte my Sonne xx li in mony and Three Score of my Beste sheepe that he can chuse
Itm I geve to Grace my daughter Twentie markes in mony and halffe the bedding and houshoulde Stuffe that was hir owne mothers at hir departinge out of this worlde
Itm I geve to Alexander my Sonne vi li xiiis iiiid
Itm I geve to Isabell my daughter vi li xiiis iiiid
The Reste of my goodes moveable and unmoveabe my Debtes paide and my Legacies beinge dischargede I geve them all to Isabell my wiffe, whom I doe make my full Executrixe of this my Laste will and Testamente
And Alsoe my will is that my wiffe Isabell shall have my Ferme so Longe as it shall please my good Ladye to bringe up my children with all
Itm my will and mynde is, that if any of my children shall departe this life before they come to Lawfull age, That then the partes of them deseassed shall equallye be devidede amongeste the Longer Lyvers of them by even portions
Also I appoynte Mr Ralphe Seggraffe of Scalfforde to be Supervisor of this my Laste will and Testamente And he to have his charges borne
In Witnesse hereof Mr Squire Vicar John Bringeste and Leonarde Bayley
Probate Leicester 28 September 1590