Wright Thomas 1681 of Eaton Will

Thomas Wright of Eaton 1681 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1681/151

May 14th 1681

In the name of god Amen I Thomas Wright of Eaton in the County of Leicester Husbandman though weake in Body yet perfict in memory and understanding doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme as here followeth

First I bequeath my Soule unto Allmighty god my onely Saviour and Redeemer hopeinge by the merits of his death and passion to have pardon and remission of all my Sinnes and my Body to bee decently interred in the earth from whence it came

First of all I give and bequeath all my whole estate of free hold in Eaton beinge two houses with all the wood growinge upon the ground and all the Appurtenances belonginge thereunto, and two osgands of land in the feild and whatsoever belongeth thereto to my wife and child Thomas Wright for my wife to have and to Inioy untill my Sonne come to the age of one and twenty and then my Sonne inioy and have the Same with all belonginge thereto to his owne proper use and Bennifit for ever hee haveinge his education and bringinge up with learninge with his Mother beinge Sufficiently mentained upon the said estate untill hee come to the age of discretion to provid for himselfe

And two Beds bedinge and all furniture belonginge to them a table and Cubbard in the house a table forme and a chest and all what other Meterialls my father hath left mee which was allwayes belonginge to the house it is my will that my wife shall have them to her owne proper use and Inioyment untill my Sonne com to age and then hee to Inioy fully for ever the same

And all my Corne and Crop upon the ground and all I have at home and in the yeard Horses Bease Sheepe Cowes swine wood Coales and what other Meterialls what ever either in the house or yeard it is my minde that my wife and Sonne shall have them all to their owne proper use and Benefit

It is my mind to have a Sermon and Coffen at and for my funerall

And I doe make chose of My Brother Ellis Browne of Broughton in the County of Nottingham for the one party and my Brother William Barke of Stathorne for the other to be Gardeners for my child to see and take care for him that hee may bee Sufficiently brought up and provided for not lackinge any thing needfull, untill hee come to age to provide for himselfe

And my wife and child I doe make the sole executrix of this my last will & testament unto whom I doe give and bequeath all that I have unto seeinge my Debts and Funerall expences discharged

Five Shillings I give to the ringers

And it is my will that when my Sonne comes to age to have the Inioyment of his estate wholly to himselfe that hee shall then allowe my wife his Mother five pounds in money yearly out of the said Estate duringe the terme of her mortall life

And unto this my last will and Testament I have here unto put my hand

                                                                                                                Thomas Wright

John Holdinge Minister

William Barke

Catharen Browne her marke


May the 25th 1681

A trew and perfict Inventory of the goods Cattles and Chattles of Thomas Wright yeoman late deceased of Eaton, taken and prized as followeth by us [no appraisers named]:

Inprimis his Apparrell Gerdle purse and money in it500
In the house and Chimney
A Table and frame and Two fourmes & fore Chaires and a Cubbard1156
A fire Iron & Gallow Tree a fire Shovell Tongs the Bellowes and hookes with other
Small Irons048
And all the puter belonginge to the house0100
And two Baken Fliches in the house0150
In the parler
A table and frame and foure buffet Stooles a chest and Box a feather Bed and
furniture belonginge to it an Ambary3100
In the Corne chamber
For Rye Barley wheate and Mault280
A Bed and Bedinge a tub and two wheeles and a Reele and old Coffer and wooll0100
In the Kitchen
A Brasse pott foure Brasse panns a fryinge pan a kettle a chafeinge dish also
foure tubs foure pailes and other Small things2100
In the Buttery
Foure Barrells a Saltinge trough a fourme & thrall a churne and other things0100
In the Barne
The Corne hay and pease in the yeard and Stacksted1400
Eight Cowes and twelve yong Bease vallued2000
Also two Geldings fore Mares & two yerlings colts and the Cart Geares2000
The Cartes the plowes and plow Geares the harrowes Sheepe Cribb and Bease
Cribb fold trayes two hovells wood in the yeard and all other Implements of
The Coales the Swine and poultry1134
Three Score & eight Sheepe and tweny lambs2010
The Crop of Corne and hay in the feild2200
Item the followes prepared to be sowen beinge 12 Acres800
Also in things not vewed and forgotten    026

Exhibited 13 October 1681