William Wright of Eaton 1569 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/260 page 90
In the name of god Amen the yere of our Salvacon A thowsand Fyve hunderethe threescore and nyne that I Willm Wright of Eton within the countie of Leicester husbandman Syke in bodye but perfect of memorie do make this my laste testament as folowithe
Fyrste I comytt my soule into the mercifull tuition of allmightie gode and to his sonne Jesus Christe who haythe redemed me and my bodye to be buried in the churche or churche yarde of Eton aforesaide
I geve to the cathedrall churche of Lincoln iid
I geve to the poore mans boxe of Eton iid
I geve to Willm Wright my sonne x li
I geve to Simonde Wrighte my sonne x li
I geve to Cassander Wright my dowghter vi li xiiis iiiid
I geve to Ane Wright my dowghter vi li xiiis iiiid
I geve to Rychard my sheperd ii shepe
The Reste of my goods moveable and unmoveable my detts payde & legacies performed I geve to Margaret my wyffe whom I make my full executrix of this my laste testament
Also I geve to Margett my wyffe my leashe of my howsse and she to bringe up with her my childeren
Further I will that my brother Robert Writte to be my supervisor of my testament
Wittnes hereof Willm Squire vicar there John Baker Robert Writte Alyxander Gervis with other
Probate Leicester 15 January 1569/70